Monitoring IT infrastructure

Monitoring IT Infrastructure.

Accel Monitoring System

Accel Monitor System is a sophisticated IT monitoring tool that offers real-time insights into system health and performance. It includes customizable dashboards for specific data analysis, proactive alerts for quick issue detection, seamless integrations with diverse IT environments, and reliable ongoing maintenance support. This tool is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and swiftly addressing IT challenges in dynamic technological landscapes.

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Installation and Configuration

Monitoring and Alerting

Customization and Integration

Maintenance and Suppor


Accel Monitor System

The Accel Monitor System is a sophisticated IT monitoring tool that offers real-time insights into system health and performance. It includes customizable dashboards for specific data analysis, proactive alerts for quick issue detection, seamless integrations with diverse IT environments, and reliable ongoing maintenance support. This tool is essential for maintaining operational efficiency and swiftly addressing IT challenges in dynamic technological landscapes.

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Installation and Configuration

Monitoring and Alerting

Customization and Integration

Maintenance and Suppor


Enhanced IT Monitoring with Accel Monitor

American Accel recognizes the critical role of a resilient IT infrastructure in supporting business operations. That’s why we are excited to introduce our Accel Monitor services, leveraging this monitoring software tool to provide real-time visibility into the health and performance of your IT systems. With our expertise, we optimize Accel Monitor for your unique requirements, ensuring efficient monitoring. We handle everything from installation and configuration to customized dashboards, proactive alerts, seamless integrations, and ongoing maintenance and support. By partnering with us, businesses can elevate their IT monitoring capabilities, minimize disruptions, and unlock enhanced performance and productivity. Take your IT monitoring to the next level with American Accel’s Accel Monitor services

"The future is here now"

Wired Magazine

Your Ultimate Solution for IT Infrastructure Monitoring

In an era where technology is integral to business operations, effective IT infrastructure monitoring is essential. Accel Monitor, a sophisticated IT monitoring solution, steps in with features that empower businesses to maintain optimal system performance.
Robust and Real-Time Monitoring
Accel Monitor specializes in real-time monitoring of various IT components like networks, servers, virtual machines, and cloud services. Its ability to provide immediate insights into IT operations is a game-changer, enabling IT administrators to quickly identify and address issues.
Automated Alert Notifications
A standout feature of Accel Monitor is its automated alert system. Designed to detect anomalies or malfunctions within the IT infrastructure, it promptly notifies relevant personnel. This proactive approach helps in addressing issues before they escalate, reducing downtime and maintaining operational continuity.
Comprehensive Data Visualization
Accel Monitor excels in presenting complex data in a user-friendly and visually appealing format. Its real-time data visualization capabilities include customizable dashboards that offer a snapshot of the system’s health, trends, and performance metrics, enabling quick, data-driven decision-making.
High-Performance System Monitoring
Performance is crucial in IT monitoring, and Accel Monitor delivers efficiently. Capable of monitoring thousands of devices while maintaining a low resource footprint, it’s ideal for large-scale operations that require efficient system performance management.
24/7 Reliability
Accel Monitor’s 24/7 monitoring capability ensures constant surveillance of your IT infrastructure. This continuous monitoring is vital for identifying and resolving issues outside standard operating hours, thus maintaining the integrity of business operations around the clock.
Seamless Integration
In the interconnected digital world, the ability to integrate with other systems is vital. Accel Monitor offers seamless integration with various third-party software and hardware, enhancing its monitoring capabilities and making it adaptable to different IT environments.
Detailed Performance Auditing
Accel Monitor goes beyond monitoring; it offers insights for improvement. It provides detailed performance audits, offering insights into system behavior over time, crucial for long-term IT resource planning and optimization.
Customizable and Scalable
Accel Monitor’s customizability and scalability make it suitable for any business, regardless of size or complexity. Tailored to meet specific needs, it scales to monitor thousands of devices without compromising performance.
Open-Source Advantage
As an open-source solution, Accel Monitor offers flexibility and freedom from vendor lock-ins, making it cost-effective and allowing for community-driven updates and improvements, keeping the tool at the forefront of IT monitoring technology.

Installation and Configuration:

Assessing Infrastructure Our experts will analyze your existing IT infrastructure to determine the optimal deployment strategy for Accel Monitor.
Server Deployment: We will install and configure the Accel Monitor server on the designated server or virtual machine, ensuring proper integration with the database server.
Database Setup: We will configure and optimize the database server to store monitoring data efficiently and ensure high-performance data retrieval.
Agent Deployment: Our team will deploy Accel Monitor agents on the relevant devices, enabling them to transmit monitoring data to the Accel Monitor server securely.
Customized Configuration: We will tailor Accel Monitor settings based on your specific requirements, including defining monitoring items, thresholds, and notification triggers.
Network Configuration: We will configure network settings to enable communication between the Accel Monitor server, agents, and monitored devices, ensuring seamless monitoring operations.

Automated Alert Notifications

Automatically sends notifications for system irregularities, enabling swift response to potential issues, ensuring continuous system health and performance monitoring.

Real-Time Data Visualization

Provides a dynamic, graphical representation of system data, offering immediate insight into performance metrics and operational status for informed decision-making.

High-Performance System Monitoring

Efficiently tracks and manages system performance, ensuring optimal operation and identifying areas for improvement with minimal resource usage.

Reliable 24/7 Monitoring

Offers round-the-clock surveillance of IT infrastructure, guaranteeing consistent monitoring and immediate detection of any operational anomalies.

Seamless Third-Party Integration

Easily integrates with a wide range of third-party applications and systems, enhancing monitoring capabilities and extending functionality.

Detailed Performance Auditing

Conducts in-depth analysis and reporting of system performance, providing detailed insights for effective management and optimization of IT resources.

"Now this is a game changer"

XR Magazine

What is Accel Monitor used for?

Accel Monitor is a powerful and comprehensive IT monitoring solution used to gain real-time visibility into various components of an IT infrastructure. It enables monitoring and analysis of critical metrics such as network utilization, CPU load, memory usage, disk space consumption, and application performance. With support for networks, servers, virtual machines (VMs), and cloud services, Accel Monitor allows businesses to monitor their entire IT ecosystem from a single platform. It provides proactive alerting capabilities, generating notifications when predefined thresholds are exceeded, enabling timely troubleshooting and issue resolution. Accel Monitor’s flexible architecture allows customization and integration with other systems, empowering businesses to tailor the solution to their unique monitoring requirements.

Accel Monitor services at American Accel include:

Installation and Configuration: Our team of experienced Accel Monitor experts will help you install and configure Accel Monitor for your business, ensuring that it’s optimized to meet your unique needs and requirements.

Monitoring and Alerting: We’ll set up monitoring metrics and alerts to keep you informed about the health and performance of your IT systems in real-time.

Customization and Integration: We can customize Accel Monitor to meet your unique business needs and integrate it with other systems and applications.

Maintenance and Support: We provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that Accel Monitor is running smoothly and to address any issues or concerns that may arise.

Accel Monitor Server

The Accel Monitor Server is a dedicated server or virtual machine, specifically configured to host the Accel Monitor server component. It is essential that this server has sufficient CPU, memory, and storage capacity to effectively manage and operate the Accel Monitor system. This ensures that the server can handle the demands of continuous network monitoring, process large volumes of data efficiently, and maintain robust performance over time. The Accel Monitor Server is the backbone of the Accel Monitor, playing a critical role in the overall system's stability and reliability.

Database Server

The Database Server is a separate, dedicated server or virtual machine designated specifically for hosting the Accel Monitor database. It supports various database management systems, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle. This server is crucial for ensuring scalability and high performance of the Accel Monitor database. The design and capabilities of the Database Server directly impact the ability to handle large-scale data, provide rapid query responses, and maintain system integrity under heavy loads.

Monitoring Agents

Deploying Accel Monitor agents on each monitored device is a fundamental aspect of the system. These devices include servers, network devices, and virtual machines. The agents are responsible for collecting and transmitting detailed monitoring data back to the Accel Monitor server. This deployment strategy is vital for achieving comprehensive network monitoring, allowing for real-time data collection, and ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is available for analysis. The agents play a key role in the efficiency and effectiveness of the monitoring system.

Accel Monitor services at American Accel include:

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Monitoring IT Infrastructure.